To the two of our teenage girls, the future is yours to take!
17 November 2017
Anna* and Yan* beaming with pride and joy as they stand to take a photo during their graduation ceremony
Anna's* single mother worked hard at sort of jobs, even as a lorry driver (imagine that!) to take care of her three children but because of that, she can't be the mother she wished she could be. She couldn't have the privilege of raising them up well and to watch over their growth of character and studies as she needs to put food on the table.
Moreover, Anna's mother had to make a difficult decision. The family was staying is in an area where there are gangs and drug activities involved and she knows that Anna will somehow be influenced as she is hardly home. Hence, she decided that she needs to do what's best for her, which is to place her with us. That was almost six years ago. Today, Anna is going to sit for her Spm soon and has graduated from secondary school as seen in this photo. She is the girl on the left.
Whilst we have offered to help with sending her to a vocational training school, the mother who is now working at Singapore said that this time, she wants to take full responsibility over this period of her life. She and her two other sons will help foot out the full tuition fees and to provide for her allowance and accommodation for a ten months bridal course. She would even quit her Singapore job and move back here to be with her. We were really impressed with how her mother would do all of that. Most other guardians/relatives/parent would still stay out of the child's life even after they have finished their SPM.
Yan*, the girl on the right will be going back to her grandparents and she is still planning on what she wants to study for her tertiary education. Thankfully, her grandparents are able to help with her plans and while her stay is shorter, she has been a wonderful girl.
We wish you two the best Anna and Yan, the future is yours to take, don't let the hardship of life take that away from you..keep pressing on!
*Names have been changed