The Radiant Change

05 November 2016

Hock and Wei enjoying their time playing at the back of Shelter 3

Ah Hock* and Ah Wei* had a long journey of pain and coping before they came to us when their parents separated. They were wandering on the streets on their own, unguided and uncared for. They were already in their teenage years at this point of time and someone noticed them and eventually put them in a Home. However, they have suffered from abusive experiences and were eventually taken by their uncle. Things did not change then as they suffered another round of abuse with their uncle.

They finally came to us but with anger and hatred from so many bad experiences in life. They were often violent and vulgar in their behaviour; fought a lot with the other boys as well as with each other. Doris, the Home manager, and the caregivers persisted in loving them in many possible ways. The day came when their mother who was working in Singapore, wanted to come and visit them. However, as she was about to reach Selangor, she fell sick and called to say that she won’t be coming and would be heading back to Singapore. When Ah Wei, the younger brother, found out about it, he sat outside on the bench and couldn’t stop crying about it.

We intervened and told her to stay put and that we’ll bring the boys to her. Even though it was a weekday and Ah Hock and Ah Wei were supposed to go to school, we knew that meeting their mother was far more important than going to school that day. After they met their mother, something moved their hearts deeply.

Their behaviour changed a lot and their faces were radiant when they came back! They were a lot more cooperative and they even cared more for one another. We hope that after that “turning point”, it made them realize that we were people who genuinely loved and cared for them.

*Names have been changed

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