Shelter 3’s superboys: Raising the bar

14 May 2018

Sami* and Ah Chong* showing their certificates of achievement proudly

Desmond* - First in class (Form 4) & First place for Public Speaking (School)
Ah Chang* - First in class (Form 2)
Aarav* – First place for both Math Quiz & Reka Bentuk Teknologi
Sami* – Second place in Poetry Recital Competition (Bahasa Malaysia)
Jin* - Third in school and second in class (Form 4)
Noel* - Third place in Poetry Recital Competition
Arjun * - Third in class (Form 1)

...and the other boys are also making progress in their academic results, even Ah Wei* who came in not knowing how to speak in English at all, scored 75 marks for his English paper (Form 2). How did all of these happen? These results certainly did not happen overnight. It took a lot of belief, well planned arrangement and concerted effort to bring about the importance of education and skills. To us, this is a milestone especially for Shelter 3 because from the psychological development point of view, it is expected that teenage boys usually lag behind in maturity and focus.

However, as shown here, it is not necessarily the case. Sometimes it is about how we choose to go about in our approach to help them stay focused and to take pride in their hard work. The Home Manager had to be strict about getting their homework done, ensuring that they attend and pay attention during their tuition classes. This of course, is assisted by the caregivers as well as the cooperation of the tuition teachers (volunteer/paid).

Aarav* showing the prize and award given for being first in Math quiz and Reka Bentuk Teknologi

The strategy that was used by the Home Manager was to first build a progress chart, tracing previous records and building aims on improving certain subjects. She would help analyze what worked before and what didn’t work with different studying strategies for each of them. One of the key factors was motivation - she really looked into what motivates each boy to do better.

For the boys who are not academically inclined, she focused on only one particular subject and encouraged them to score in it. The idea was to help them realize that they have the ability to do well and really improve self-perceived competency. When they actually improved on that one subject, from there, the amazing part is that it would help them try harder with the other subjects as well. Desmond was the shinning example. He started off with 5Fs, 1D, 1C & 1B. Then in Form 4, he was first place. Now, after the first semester in Form 5, he is second in class with 3As, 1A-, 2C+ and 1 C. Shelter 3 superboys, continue to score with flying colours!

*Names have been changed to protect their identities

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