SHELTER 3 boys receiving lessons to improve computer skills!

13 November 2015

The boys crowding to see how to source for pictures to work on Adobe photoshop (Kelvin, the volunteer took this photo)

Kelvin Yong, our volunteer has been giving computer lessons to our boys in Shelter 3. What can come across to us as something common and easily learnt by our own children that grow up in our own homes is definitely not the case for our children at SHELTER.

They will of course learn by trial and error and whatever limited time and attention we can give in teaching them. Kelvin Yong who has been teaching in other Homes and Centres on computer lessons has graciously extended his services to our boys. He will have a syllabus that covers from the fundamental basics of computer up to editing videos and uploading them on YouTube.

Currently, the boys can create calendars, photo shots, simple basic programmes etc and they have been learning all these for the past three months.

Look at some of the "Posters" they have made! (With a good value to be shared in the Posters)

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