SHELTER 3 boys give back to society

13 April 2006

SHELTER 3 boys launch Silver Linings campaign

To spearhead the 25th Anniversary celebrations, SHELTER introduced its “Silver Linings” campaign which, for the first time, saw its SHELTER 3 youth visiting an old folks’ home nearby to help around the home and to cheer up the residents.

SHELTER’s Executive Director, James Nayagam, said, “This initiative is a first. Our children and young people of SHELTER have been on the receiving end of charity. We would like to change their mindsets, so they will learn that regardless of their backgrounds, they too can be in a position to care for and give to others and grow up to be responsible members of a caring society.”

“This is the heart of our 25th Anniversary’s ‘Silver Linings’ year-long campaign: to advocate a responsible, caring and giving attitude and behaviour – to do something to be a ‘silver lining’ to someone’s dark cloud, so to speak,” continued James.

“This is a good experience for me. Growing up in SHELTER Home, I am fortunate to receive help and encouragement from so many kind people. I want to learn to care and give to others less fortunate or less able than myself. I don’t have money to give but I can give my time to cheer up these elderly aunties and uncles,” enthused Steven from SHELTER, who is 17 years old.

Also, on Saturday, 14 January 2006, SHELTER 3 threw a volunteers appreciation and New Year party for its volunteers and neighbours. About 40 people attended the event including 25 volunteers and members from four households in the neighbourhood.

“It was an opportunity for the volunteers to meet and get to know each other. It served to reinforce their common goal of helping the SHELTER 3 boys,” said Sally Sinniah, the Home’s Senior Administrative Officer.

It was also SHELTER 3’s way to say thank you to its volunteer and neighbours. There were lots to eat and plenty of time to mingle around.

Thank you all who came to the party!

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