Scouting out ways to make a difference

03 October 2007

Eighteen energetic, lively scouts from 73rd Troop of Petaling Jaya, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Damansara Utama lived out one of their four Scout Promises, “to help other people at all times” when they visited SHELTER 3. They brought with them equipment for outdoor cooking, ropes, tents and a big heart for the children at SHELTER. The scouts came on their own initiative to interact with the SHELTER residents and teach them basic survival skills, such as how to pitch a tent, how to build bamboo frames for SHELTER and outdoor cooking. Fun and laughter rang through SHELTER 3’s garden where the activities were carried out. Both scouts and children thoroughly enjoyed themselves as they taught and learned from each other.

Way to go, troopers!

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