PUSPANITA's advice to the girls

24 January 2008

PUSPANITA or Persatuan Suri Dan Anggota Wanita Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia, consisting of the wives and all female Civil Servant Staff of the Malaysian Civil Service or the Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia, quite naturally, would take an interest in the teenage girls of SHELTER 2 and so paid the home a visit. They also presented the home with a kitchen gas stove and other utensils.

Puan Juwairiyah Binti Jaafar, Counselor of the Psychological Service Division, JAP, presented a motivational talk to the adolescent girls of SHETLER 2 to inspire them to greater heights. She also highlighted areas to avoid taking simple risks and when to be fearless in facing challenges.

Puan Grace Xavier, Chairperson of Research and Planning Division, JPA and Puan Amy Lim Kheng Gaik, Chairperson of the Pensions Division, JPA were on hand too, to grace the occasion with their 12 colleagues.

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