Our children helping with a fundraising project - The Three Wise Monkey set

20 January 2016

The Three Wise Monkey set

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, Kuala Lumpur Pavilion Sdn Bhd and A Piece of Hope (APOH) were up to doing some good for nine homes including ours! They do not want to just merely donate to us, but they took extra effort to involve all our children in the process of doing good. They wanted the children to help paint the “Three Wise Monkey” set!

Our Executive Director, Cheok (Far right), looks on as our children started painting the monkeys

In the canteen, when everyone was seated, the person in charge started briefing everyone on the process and what is expected from all the children. The process will be done in a somewhat “factory” style whereby each group will work on a different part of the monkey and to pass it on to the next group to work on a different part.

Our teenage boy painting the "flower" carefully on the monkey

The first monkey that our children started on was worked with much enthusiasm and they were careful with the details. However, as the next few monkeys came their way, they started to feel a little pinch of how mundane “factory work” can be. Nevertheless, in a way, it was sort of a good exposure to a little “difficult” work for them.

Our teenage boys and girls, on the other hand, patiently and diligently painted the monkeys throughout the hours, and the work they did was pretty decent!

After they were done working on the “Three Wise Monkeys”, they were served with lunch. At about 1pm, they were done for the day.

Come, see what our children did and support us by purchasing a set of these monkeys! One set of these beautiful monkeys is set at RM388, 100% of the money will go to Charity! You may get a set either from us or at Pavillion (Go to the Porte Cochere Concierge at level 2 or call 03-2188 8843 or click here for more information.)

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