Our children as achievers

25 December 2013

Not too long ago, two of our children from Shelter 1, brought back a medal and a trophy from school!

One child was awarded for being "AJK" in the "Kelab Pencegah Jenayah", while the other was champion in the 4 x 100m race.

It is a fact in psychology that a person's achievement is strongly affected by his/her self-worth and this self-worth is normally built up by how society views this person. In the past, with no love but with much pain and hurt, it was very unlikely that they would ever grow up to be achievers and that they will inevitably continue the cycle of abuse and neglect. We would not have been able to shower them with our love and build up their self-confidence if we did not have the contribution of our dear donors and of course, the volunteers as well.

To some, these awards may seem ordinary or perhaps nothing extraordinary. To us at Shelter Home, we see a change from their previous broken lives and moving towards a much more hopeful and brighter future with self-esteem and confidence slowly being built back into their lives.

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Persaudaraan Perlindungan Kristian Untuk Bantuan Dan Kebajikan Shelter. 
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