My Dream

17 April 2015

As we are busy trying to get our youth to be enrolled into college with a scholarship after their SPM (She has gotten 6A’s 2B’s and 1C for), one of the girls wrote this for the “Why do I deserve this scholarship” section in the application form. We felt that this is something we want to share with you donors as it shows what she has learnt and grown to be as she stayed with us.


My Dream

Education is very important to everyone in this world. Why do I say that?

I stayed in SHELTER since I was twelve. During these six years, I have seen how my seniors struggled to get in a proper college after their SPM.

On the surface I think I am like most young Malaysian women: I take school seriously, I have dreams and goals for the future that I am determined to make happen, and I don’t expect anyone to do the hard work for me. Though I may come from a broken family but I still feel very blessed to have a group of supportive and caring sisters and others at SHELTER.

I believe that everyone has their own dreams, and that includes me. It is dream which makes life meaningful and significant. What is a person without a purpose and a goal? It is purpose which imparts importance to life and urges people to strive and achieve against all odds. In my exams, I scored pretty well in a few subjects which are Mathematics, Accounts and Economics. The reason of me doing well in these subjects is because my dream is to be either a professional charted accountant or a business woman. To achieve my dream, I attend to school almost every day. Besides that, I also took part in ICAS exam (International Competitions and Assignment for School) in both Mathematics and Science from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

However, there are also a few problems that I will be facing. First and foremost, the college fees will truly be a burden to my Home. Furthermore, I need to learn to be fully independent and try not to be dependent on SHELTER as I have finished my SPM. Therefore, finding a safe place to stay and finance is also another problem that worries me.

With all that has been mentioned, I hope that I will be able to receive the scholarship from (University) to lighten SHELTER’s burden. By receiving this scholarship, the distance to achieve my dream will be nearer too. Last but not least, I will definitely give back to the society and help the poor and the needy once I am successful in the future.

*Name has been changed

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