Matilda's love for Pastry (Cert in Pastry & Bakery Arts, Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia)

11 April 2016

When Matilda* came to us at the age of 15, it was really difficult to place her in a school near our Home due to her complicated background. Despite many attempts, there were some obstacles and Matilda was not going anywhere in her life as this issue prolonged. However, Matilda was not going to let life pass her by. She has continually urged us to give her an education so that she can have a bright future and we are definitely with her on that too.

Matilda in her Pastry chef uniform!

During her time with us, a staff has been teaching her and the other girls some craftwork. Among the girls, Matilda is one of them who continued working on the craftwork on her own initiative. This gave the staff an indicator that she might be someone who learns better with a hand on approach. When we approached her to consider vocational skills, she was positive about it.

Eventually, we decided to send her to learn a Pastry Art course that lasted 9 months. Just in two weeks, she was already able to produce some really scrumptious pastries for us at the HQ! We were really delighted to see her progress and we are glad that her class size is suitable where she can learn optimally from the lecturers.

These are some of the many other delicious pastries Matilda has baked

Today, she has shown us that she is really putting her heart and soul into learning this course well. She recently scored almost full marks for a baking test and has brought back more wonderful pastries for the staff and children to enjoy. Bon appetite!

*Name has been changed for identity protection

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