Excelling in sports

19 August 2009

Excelling in Sports

Dan* 15, is looking ahead to a life of great achievement in sports. While in primary school, he won medals almost every year for athletics, cross-country and football. For cross-country, he has won 2 gold and 1 silver medals. He was also in the Under-12 school football team.

The winning streak followed him to secondary school where he won 3rd place in his school cross-country in Form 1 and 1st place in the following year. In 2008, he participated in a cross-country run in Kapar with 500 others and finished in the 9th place, a great feat indeed. This year he has won 1 silver and 2 bronze medals for relays and long distance running in school.

Dan has also represented his school in the Majlis Sukan Sekolah Daerah (MSSD), Petaling Utama in the 4x100m and 4x400m. He is in the school football team which was runners-up in the above meet.

Presently he trains with 10 other students in the Astaka Stadium, Petaling Jaya, twice a week for about two hours each session. He enjoys the training and has learnt to balance it with his studies. He is determined and aspires to represent the state and country. Towards this he hopes to be trained by a professional coach.

He acknowledges his family’s and a good friend’s support and encouragement in his early sporting days. He is grateful to SHELTER for taking his sporting abilities seriously and trying to find a professional coach to train him.


While some children are born with silver spoons in their mouths, Reb* seems to have been born with gold medals around her neck!

Her sporting career began at a tender age of 7. From Standard 1 – 5, for 5 years she was the Sportsgirl of the Year in her school in Petaling Jaya. In Standard 6, she played Hockey and was Best Athlete.

Reb, now 16, of SHELTER has been with us since 2007. In 2008, SHELTER arranged a training programme for her with Kenny, a volunteer coach udner whom she exercised and practised running. In school, she still excels in sports and has won many medals.

Presently, she is undergoing training in long and short distance running under National Coach K. Jeyabalan of Majulis Sukan Negara in Bukit Jalil. Reb has managed to incorporate serious training sessions three times a week. Each session lasts for about 3 hours. Though life has become more hectic, she says she is committed and determined to do well, having hardly missed any session so far.

She aspires to represent her school at State and National levels and young as she is, says confidently that competing in the Olympics is her ultimate goal! She is grateful for the help and effort SHETLER has put in to put her on the right “track” towards achieving her dream.


Josh* 14, started his career in sports in primary school, playing basketball for his school for three years. He continues playing basketball in secondary school. Last year, he started playing tennis in Club Petaling Jaya. He is trained by Thomas Pang, a tennis coach twice a week for two hours each session.

In October 2008, he won the Monthly Medal for the MBPJ/STA Junior Tennis Games. He represents his school for tennis and hopes to represent the country in both tennis and basketball one day. He says he has to be disciplined as training takes up a lot of his time and he has to keep up with his school work as well.

Josh is grateful for SHELTER for creating an opportunity in tennis for him. He says he is giving his “best shot.”

*Names are aliases given to protect their identity

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