A trip to Merah Laketown Resort

22 November 2007

In touch with life-styles:

The 22 – 23 Nov 2007 saw all the children of SHELTER 1,2,3 and 4 travelling in a bus and a van to the Bukit Merah Laketown Resort for a holiday sponsored by YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Haji Mustapha Kamal, Chairman of Yayasan EMKAY. In a way, it was a well-deserved rest for them, but also a break for the Home staff that looked after them. The journey there was about three hours but the resort itself was truly a refreshing sight after the metropolis of KL> with all the hustle and bustle, it was a wonder no one got missed out!

The children experienced the excitement of exchanging their personal sleeping quarters for those of Bukit Merah, without much ado. The environment, entertainment, food a, fun & games coupled with the room and lodging arrangements provided part of the fund and enjoyment during the stay there.

Enjoying the boat-rode to the Orang Utan Island and trudging from one animal enclosure to the next was a change from the daily home routine; watching and observing animals in more natural surroundings than in zoos that they were used too also impacted their learning. This was a different holiday that, judging from the photographs, one that they really enjoyed.

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