A Good Track Record (Jin)

27 February 2017

Jin stands proudly with the other students as he is listed as one of the "Murd-murid Cemerlang" (Image is blurred on purpose to protect his identity)

Jin* was sent to us at the young age of 6. Both his parents were not able to care for him but he still maintains contact with his mother. Even though Jin had a difficult start in life, he was showing a lot of potential especially in his academic performance. We recognized his potential and we tried our best to give him many opportunities for him to continue tapping on them.

When he was in school, he joined the Chess club and he started soaring, beating other players in the game. He was so good that he represented his school in competitions! We recognized his talent and we kept pushing him on. Jin then entered secondary school and his academic performance was above average. He has personally requested for tuition classes for certain subjects and the Home Manager personally saw to it that these requests were met. When he was sitting for his PT3, he got a surprising score of 5As!

Jin was then eventually put alongside a few other students to be given the honour of being “Murid-murid cemerlang”! Recently, we just got news that Jin has been elected the president of his Curriculum club! What continuous yearly achievements we all share with joy.

However, we ensure ‘his feet are on the ground’. For someone as talented as he is, it can be easy for him to be proud. But to us, it is pointless if he has academic excellence but has poor character.

This is Jin’s story. A true story of change right before our eyes because we all believed in his potential and desire to strive. Jin did most of the hard work himself but there are also a number of setbacks and struggles that he has to face as well. It is the resilience and passion that we believe is built from a pool of caring individuals, not only us but also the volunteers (there is one volunteer that has been journeying with him faithfully for years now), sponsors and visitors who really have carried him through life victoriously.

Let us all continue to journey alongside Jin to support him to reach greater heights in time to come!

*Name has been changed

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