A fun trip to Malacca!
18 December 2015
This December is really a month that is full of joy for the children. Early in the month, there were Christmas celebrations with full of good food, joy and laughter. However the joy did not stop there. At the end of the month, a group of really wonderful people sponsored all the children to a trip to Malacca for all the children! This group who sponsored the whole trip (and had done many other wonderful things for us, eg fundraising) is the Mou Man Tai group.
But it was not just merely a trip. There were many activities planned for them. The first activity was grouping the children into four groups and getting them to make their own “logo”. The team leader then had to explain the meaning of the design. These groups were formed so that the other activities would involve them having to compete with one another.
And here are the exciting activities lined up for all the children:
They got to try the Blow-pipes!
And then Archery!
Dr Suresh in action and he had all our kids wear some fun glasses to keep them in the "fun mood"
And then, the rare treat of Paintball! (Can you see the progression of technology in these artillery activities?)
Then they had great fun at the water pool with different game activities..
They also went to the beach and went on a boat ride!
After a few days in Malacca, it was time for them to head back home. It is really not often that they all get such a blessing and this year, with special thanks to the Mou Man Tai group, they all got to be together as a family for a trip and had such an amazing time!