Season To Serve

29 January 2016

Food Distribution Coordinator: Indrani (second r-l) receives food packages on behalf of 4 families at Sentul Park

The best antidote I know for worry is work; best cure for weariness is to serve the marginalised. One of the great ironies of lief is this: Those who seek to serve almost always benefits more than those who are served. First on is news on Sri Lankan refugee families in Sentul.

42 families live in two blocks at Sentul Park, 73 are children and 52 under the age of 15. Although these families have valid UNHCR Cards, men work as painters and do other tasks during this transition. Most of the women are single mothers who labour as house cleaners and babysitters.

SHELTER Community provide food parcels to four families here which began in 2015. Children are beset with dental and medical issues. Five children require eye examination and spectacles. Field representative, Joshua Kamal reports that they need tuition, clothing and hope.

Reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey. You cannot fully understand a person's need until you have endured the same need. As hard as you may try to predict and comprehend their situation and suffering, i guarantee you'll fall short until you've been there.

As we gain momentum into the first quarter of 2016, one of the most important things SHELTER Community aims to do is to let children and ineffectual families know they are not alone. We have a brand new Gift of Love list to help you sponsor food items for Community.*

Setting a fresh momentum: (l-r) Muniamah Nagapan, Uvithir Selvi, 10, Benedict Baskar, 14, Piravera Baskar, 10 & Priya, 9

Second news item takes us to Klang where Grandma Muniamah Nagapan, 59 singlehandedly raises 8 grandchildren. Their ages are from 5 to 17 and live under her custody after both parents passed away 3 years ago. What are areas you can align yourself to bring them change?

Although Munimah is supported by Welfare aid, she needs RM990 for her grandchildren's bus transport, tuition and school books. Her modest 3 room terrace home is shared by two daughter in-laws and their 3 children. There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

Rebuilding: Inthumathi Velu and children in Kota Damansara.

Thirdly, school uniforms and shoes are to be distributed to Yogendran, Dineswary, Pavithra and Jeevan at Petaling Permai flats before school commences. This is to augment and expand Community's food aid relief support strategically. "No one has ever become poor by giving." (Anne Frak)

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