Hand Me Another Brick II

12 August 2015

Balakrishnan: Going the Distance for Children

Retired F&B Manager, John Balakrishnan is the first to be trained by Shelter Community to serve as Coach and motivator to PPR Kampong Muhibbah children and residents. Inspired by Shelter’s food aid to children there, it became a catalyst for him to offer input and imagination to take it further.

Shelter Community embarked on this pivotal phase to train volunteers within marginalised groups with a purpose to provide tuition and to activate follow-up cell groups in Kampong Muhibbah flats. Now schoolchildren from underprivileged families shall get equipped in subjects such as Mathematics and English.

Sagar Constant of Grace Community Service

Community believes each child holds so much potential within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen. Balakrishnan, Sam Selvathurai and volunteers are tuition teachers with a passion.

Pulling a good network together takes effort, sincerity and time. General Manger of Grace Community Service, Irene Dawson together with Oommen Philip and Sagar Constant contributed food stocks to Community and Shelter Refugee centres. Such collaboration led both NGOs to achieve better results.

Grace Community Service: Equipping Community Projects

Community is motivated by our mentors and partners to go the extra mile. Alone we can do so much, together we can do so much more. None of us is as smart as all of us. Over the past two quarters the strength of Community work is rooted in collaboration. The smallest gestures often make the biggest difference.

Shelter Community is known to achieve more as a result of working with those with similar objectives. Individual commitment to a group effort -that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Even eagles need a push. Come be the wind beneath our wings.
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Persaudaraan Perlindungan Kristian Untuk Bantuan Dan Kebajikan Shelter. 
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