Free Legal Aid

12 March 2004

In January 2004, the Bar Committee of Selangor Legal Aid Centre together with SHELTER started a service to provide free legal aid to the underprivileged around the Batu Arang area. SHELTER staff distributed some 500 publicity pamphlets in three languages to the nearby shops, school and restaurants.

Every first Saturday of each month a group of about three lawyers and about nine chambering students travel to SHELTER 3 in Batu Arang to help individuals who earn less than RM500 per month. The volunteers offer advice on family (marriage/divorce/domestic violence), labour (employment/termination/EPF/SOCSO) and many other areas of concern.

This programme enables the lower income group to obtain free legal advice. Where there is a need to do so, the individual will be referred to an appropriate lawyer for follow-up action.
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