Finding Possibilities
04 December 2016
(l-r) Thavamani, 5, Kerthika, 11 & Kaviitha, 4 at Kampong Pandan Indian Settlement, Cheras
As Community advance into 2017, our quest is possibilities. We see choices, opportunities and breakthroughs ahead. That means alternative solutions for children in Klang valley marginalised communities. It is about securing jobs, building tuition centres, getting expertise and making inroads.
Our vision to give children at risk a childhood and future integrates right time, right place and right people. Let’s look at some tenable options. Children at Kampong Pandan Settlement envision the creation of a tuition depot there. We need your support and reinforcement to make that possible.
Calling all sponsors. Can you commit to build a makeshift depot within the settlement, furnish it with tables, chairs and basic utilities of lights, fans and storage compartments? We want volunteer teachers to commit a weekly schedule to coach 30 children aged 4 to 15 in Mathematics, English and other subjects.
(l-r) Meelathy: One day at a time with Saraniya, 8 & Bofaniya, 6
(l-r) Mari Arumugam & kindergarten teachers promote Shelter desktop calendars at Tadika Akal Budi in Taman Kasturi, Cheras