Culture Of Doing Good

05 September 2013

Seri Devi and her seven children at her Lembah Subang flat.

BUILDING a momentum to care for our community in the city is to reach those in need by building a culture of doing good. Through Shelter Community Project, community officers Xavier Gomez and Anderson Chamle discovered the constraints faced by Seri Devi Suppiah, 39. Her story begins to unravel after she moved to Kuala Lumpur from Johor Bahru.

Seri Devi Suppiah lives in a three-room flat that is barely furnished. Her son Dhriswaran, 12 and daughter Priya Dashini 3, live with her sister in Block D, while her other seven children are cared for by her. They are Jegaswaran, 11, Ganeswara (unable to walk since birth), Pathriwan, 8, Rueben, 7, Arwin, 6, Kartik, 5 and Kugendran, 2. None of her children currently undergo schooling, and Ganeswara, 10 is a special needs child.

Her husband lives in Segambut and works as a security guard while Devi is a homemaker. In line with Shelter’s vision to give children at risk a childhood and a future, the Community Department delivered its first package of food provisions that included dairy products, biscuits, cereal, rice, sardines, and other essential food items.

Special needs child, Ganeswara, 10

Through the Shelter Community Food Aid, the family now enjoys nutritious food and care. Be a part of the momentum to help reach out to families with children in need by contacting our office. Though the needs of special children like Ganeswara are beyond our scope and objectives, we welcome your support and partnership to make a difference.

On a slightly different note, the Community Project Department wishes to request computers or lap tops for distribution to underprivileged children. This would be a positive step for you, our readers to get involved in a proactive way. We would also accept secondhand computers that can still be used. Kindly contact us at our office or send us an email
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